
Standing Straight Leg Extension

Primary Muscles: Quadriceps
  • Instructions
  • In Brief
  • Key Points

  1. Start Position: Exhale as you slowly extend your leg, keeping your toes pointed.
  2. Middle Position: Continue to extend, keeping your leg straight with a slight bend in your knee.
  3. End Position: Extend your leg as high as possible with your toes pointed, keeping your opposite foot flat on the floor and your back perpendicular. Hold for 1/2 a second, squeezing your quadricep.
  4. Return to Middle: Exhale as you slowly return to starting position.
  5. Return to Start: Do not let your foot touch the floor. Repeat the movement for the recommended number of repetitions. Duplicate the exercise for the opposite leg. For each set, perform the entire exercise for one leg first, then for the other leg.


  1. Start Position: Exhale as you slowly extend your leg, keeping your toes pointed.
  2. Middle Position: Continue to extend, keeping your leg straight with a slight bend in your knee.
  3. End Position: Extend your leg as high as possible with your toes pointed, keeping your opposite foot flat on the floor and your back perpendicular. Hold for 1/2 a second, squeezing your quadricep.
  4. Return to Middle: Exhale as you slowly return to starting position.
  5. Return to Start: Do not let your foot touch the floor. Repeat the movement for the recommended number of repetitions. Duplicate the exercise for the opposite leg. For each set, perform the entire exercise for one leg first, then for the other leg.

Key Points

  1. Throughout the entire range of motion:

    • Keep your back straight and head aligned with your spine.
    • Hold the equipment for balance and support only.
    • Keep your weight-bearing leg stationary, with a slight bend in the knee.
  2. At start position, never let your foot touch the floor.

  3. At end position, make sure the weight bearing foot remains flat on the floor.

  4. When using the Optional Body Bar method, be sure to switch the bar to your opposite hand when you do the exercise for the opposite leg. (right leg = right bar grip)